Meeting documents

  • Meeting of Cabinet, Tuesday, 9th July, 2019 4.30 pm (Item 13.)


The Cabinet received a report which detailed the responses to the public consultation on the marked site at King George V Playing Fields and the site to the rear of the electricity substation on Chiltern Avenue (as shaded green on the appended plan) to appropriate the land from designated open space to a planning purpose, subject to the grant of planning permission.




To agree that the land marked on the appended plan (appendix 2) be appropriated from open space to a planning purpose to enable the redevelopment of the Chiltern Pools, Community Hall and Nursery subject to planning permission.  


The Cabinet received a report which detailed the responses to the public consultation on the marked site at King George V Playing Fields and the site to the rear of the electricity substation on Chiltern Avenue, as shaded green on the appended plan (appendix 2), to appropriate the land from designated open space to a planning purpose, subject to the grant of planning permission.


Following the Planning Committee’s recommendation to Full Council that the revised application for the Chiltern Lifestyle Centre be approved, it would be necessary to appropriate the land to a planning purpose to enable the development to proceed.


The consultation closed on 7 June 2019. Seventeen written responses had been received and could be seen summarised in the report, sixteen responses objected to the appropriation of land, whilst one was in favour. Comments received amongst objections noted issues with a net loss of green space and loss of play and skate facilities; a loss of flumes; the land swap not being like for like; the size and mass of the proposed centre and its subsequent impact on the street scene and town as well as concerns that the new facility should only replace the existing building.


This report and the objections received had been considered by the Leisure Needs Members Working Group where it was felt that many of the concerns repeated previous comments considered by the Planning Committee or by the Cabinet at previous stages in the development of the project proposals. The working group summarised that the appropriation of the open public space for a planning purpose had arisen as a result of the assessment of suitable sites and the community request to protect existing facilities during construction and the need to protect the historic barns. The planning application had addressed the size, massing and location of the development on the site, whilst the business case had considered the needs of the community in delivering a co-located modern library, community, nursery and leisure facilities. The additional leisure and play facilities supported the overall business case which aimed to deliver a scheme at no additional cost to the tax payer. The existing facilities were not fit for purpose and the redevelopment of these facilities would enable the additional parking required as well as supporting the enabling development to deliver the project. All play facilities were to be relocated on the King George V Playing Fields and this was not considered a net loss of facilities by the Town Council but an enhancement which they welcomed.


Further, the working group noted that Fields in Trust and Amersham Town Council supported the proposals and there had been wide community support to the proposals as demonstrated through the various rounds of consultation and responses to the planning application. In relation to concerns expressed over the loss of library space, officers advised that the library service requested the size of facility in the proposed building to meet their needs with study space, meeting rooms, toilets and kitchen facilities incorporated within the building.


Cabinet noted that community and stakeholder views raised throughout the development of the project plan to date had been listened to and plans amended accordingly throughout the process.




To agree that the land marked on the appended plan (appendix 2) be appropriated from open space to a planning purpose to enable the redevelopment of the Chiltern Pools, Community Hall and Nursery subject to planning permission.


Supporting documents: